IMPORTANT: This version of Sitefinity CMS is out of support and the respective product documentation is no longer maintained and can be outdated. Use the version selector to view a supported product version.
MediaContentSelectorView looks like this in Sitefinity CMS 5.4 and earlier versions: In 6.0 it looks like this: On the left side of the old version of the control there is a RadListBox that was referenced by a property called LibraryListBox. This RadListBox was bound by a RadListBoxBinder called LibraryBinder. LibraryListBox and LibraryBinder have been removed in the new version. Instead there is a GenericPageSelector placed on the right side of the MediaContentSelectorView. The selector is referenced by a property called LibrarySelector. It has protected and virtual modifiers. The GenericPageSelector displays the libraries in a tree view as is expected for a hierarchical structure.
MediaContentUploaderView looked like this in 5.4 and earlier versions: It looks like this in 6.0:
In the 5.4 version of the MediaContentUploaderView there is a dropdown for library selection and functionality for creating a new library. The dropdown was referenced by a property called LibrariesDropDown. It was bound by a GenericCollectionBinder control referenced by a property called LibrariesBinder.
In the new version of MediaContentUploaderView LibrariesDropDown and LibrariesBinder have been removed. Instead there is a new control called FolderField that is used for selection of a library. Controls associated with creating new libraries are also removed. Functionality for library creation is inside the FolderField.
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