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You use search indexes to define different sets of content to be searched, using the internal search of your website. To configure your website’s internal search, you must first define a search index, then drop the Search widget and Search results widget somewhere on your website.
To create a search index, perform the following:
NOTE: The widgets in the Navigation widgets and the widgets in the Classifications widgets are excluded from the site search.
NOTE: You can control which pages to include in the internal search from the page’s properties. When you exclude a page from the site search, its content is not indexes and cannot be found using the internal search. For more information, see Create a page.
If you have created the index after you have published an item, you must reindex. You can do this on Search indexes page, by clicking the Actions link of the index and then clicking Reindex.
You can edit the properties of a search index. For example, you may want to add a new dynamic type that you have created or you may want to exclude a type from the index.
To do this, perform the following:
For the changes to take effect, you must reindex the updated search index.
You can customize the search index settings to perform search based on a specific field of any content item. For example, you can configure the search results to only include matches for titles and to ignore matches for content. Thus, you can narrow down search results generated for large content items (for example, Blogs or Forums) or for frequently used terms. To do this:
If you are searching in dynamic module items or custom fields created for any module, you must set the fields where you want the system to search. You do this by expanding Advanced and entering the fields where to search, separated by commas. For example, if you want to search your dynamic content types by Definition, enter Definition. You can only search in text fields.
NOTE: You must also configure these fields in the Search results widget advanced configuration mode. For more information, see Search results widget.
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