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The following example checks whether the user is in the specified role. First, you get an instance of the roles and users managers. Then, to get a value indicating whether the specified user is in the specified role, you call the IsUserInRole method of the roles manager.
The following example returns all users in the specified role. First, you get an instance of the roles manager. Then, to get all users in the specified role, you call the GetUsersInRole method passing the role name as an argument.
The following example returns all roles that the specified user is in. First, you get an instance of the roles manager. Then, you get the user by calling the GetUser method of the users’ manager. Finally, to get all roles for the user, you call the GetRolesForUser method of the roles manager passing the ID of the user as an argument.
The following example adds the specified user to the specified roles. First, you get an instance of the roles and users managers. Then, you get the user by calling the GetUser method of the users’ manager. Then, for each role in the list, you add the user in it by calling the AddUserToRole method of the roles manager. Finally, you save the changes.
The following example removes the specified user from the specified roles. First, you get an instance of the roles and users managers. Then, you get the user by calling the GetUser method of the users’ manager. Then, for each role in the list, you remove the user from it by calling the RemoveUserFromRole method of the roles manager. Finally, you save the changes.
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