Measure content visits and attribution

NOTE: Sitefinity Digital Experience Cloud (DEC) was renamed to Sitefinity Insight as a part of the Sitefinity 13.0 release. However, Sitefinity CMS and its documentation prior to version 13.0 continue using the former name - Digital Experience Cloud.

In the digital marketing world, having meaningful impact over your website audience is not just about visits and clicks. With Sitefinity CMS, you can analyze the performance of your content not only by counting visits to content items but also by measuring their impact on conversions. To do this, you enable Sitefinity CMS to start tracking visits and calculate the attribution, that is, the contribution of visits to this item to site conversion. For example, you want to understand whether the Best business laptops blog post from the Laptops’ insights blog series has impact on the business laptops orders conversion on your site. The attribution of this post and blog series, if you will, give you insights on whether your content marketing efforts provide the desired outcome. For a detailed description about conversions and attribution, see Conversions and touchpoints: Measure rates and attribution.

You then track the impact of these content items and whether and how they influence visitors' conversion rates for different conversions. Having ample marketing attribution reports helps you understand which content items have biggest impact on conversion rates and focus and optimize your marketing efforts and derive patterns on both the positive and negative patterns and your results.


Content items insights are available only for content types that are supported by the new content editing experience:

  • News
  • Blogs and blog posts
  • Lists and list items
  • Dynamic content types

For more information, see Reference: New content editing experience and the classic interface.

Once you enable tracking of an item, you can access the report with a summary of the visits and attribution of this content item in the content items’ list. You can always dig deeper and analyze the full report in Digital Experience Cloud. For more information, see Conversion and attribution reports.

Start tracking visits and attribution

  1. In the content items list, under Insights, click the Visits and attribution icon.
  2. Click Start tracking.

    NOTE: If you are tracking a hierarchical content item type, such as Blog, visits and attribution are tracked for all items, or posts, under this blog.

Within 24 hours when enough data is collected, the insights report is ready for you to analyze.

Insights reports

Once data is collected, you can access and view the Insights report directly form the content list. Thе following table provides you with descriptions of the report statistics and summary of the performance of this content item in terms of marketing goals.

Metric Description

Unique visits in the last 30 days
Number of the unique visits to this content item in the last 30 days.

You can also see a count of all unique visits for this content item since you started tracking it.


This report summarizes which conversion is most influenced by this content item, based on the number of converted visitors. Conversions are ordered by highest attribution ratio with this content item and the ratio is applied to the time period of each conversion.

  • Conversion
    Name of the site conversion, to which this item contributed the most.
  • Converted visitors
    Number of visitors who converted after visiting this content item.
  • Conversion rate
    Ratio between the converted visitors and total number of visitors to this content item.
    Conversion rate = Conversions / Visitors
  • Attribution
    How many times the conversion rate for visitors to this content item is higher or lower than the overall rate for this conversion. For more information, see Attribution ratio.


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