Configure notification profiles


Notification service enables you to use different sender profiles. Each profile contains specific SMTP settings which determine the sending channel to be used. The system can be configured to use different profiles for different modules. For example, you may want to configure one default sender email address for your Email campaigns module, and a different one for comment notifications, or forum post notification. To achieve that you need to create two notification profiles, each with the desired default sender email address and then specify in the corresponding module settings which notification profile to be used.

Notification profile settings

When configuring a notification profile, you can choose to set up an existing profile, or create a new one and set it up. To configure a notification profile, follow these steps:

  1. In the main menu, click Administration » Settings » Advanced.
  2. In the treeview on the left, click Notifications » Profiles 
  3. Select one of the existing profiles to configure it. Alternatively, you can click on Create new » SmtpSenderProfileElement to create a new profile and configure it/
  4. Configure the following properties:


    Enter the desired email address that will be used by Sitefinity CMS to specify the From: email address for outgoing emails.


    This property defines the SMTP server (host) address that Sitefinity CMS should use to send emails over SMTP protocol. Enter the name or IP address of the SMTP server.


    Enter the port used for SMTP transactions.


    Select this checkbox if your SMTP server requires a username and password to be provided to authenticate the connection to it. If this checkbox is selected, the values int eh Username and Password textboxes are used.


    Enter the user name of the account that you use to connect to the SMTP server


    Enter the password of the account that you use to connect to the SMTP server


    Enter the domain or computer name that verifies the credentials


    Select if you want Sitefinity CMS to use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt the connection.


    Specify the number of emails Sitefinity CMS processes as one batch when sending message jobs.


    Enter the interval (in seconds) between sending batches


    Select the method for handling outgoing email:

    • Network – this is the default method
    • PickupDirectory
    • PickupDirectoryFromIis


    Specify the folder where applications save mail messages to be processed by the local SMTP server. If PickupDirectory or PickupDirectoryFromIis is specified as DeliveryMehtod, Sitefinity CMS uses this value to locate the directory to be used for outgoing email.


    Enter the amount of time (in milliseconds) after which a message job times out


    Specify the encoding of the Subject to be used when sending out emails


    Specify the encoding of the Body to be used when sending out emails


    Enter the desired name of the notification profile


    Enter the CLR type of the email sender to be used for this notification profile. By default, this value should be Telerik.Sitefinity.Services.Notifications.Smtp.SmtpSender


    This property specifies usage of SMTP profile. By default its value should be smtp. Only this value is currently supported.

Change the default notification profile globally

Sitefinity CMS enables you to specify which notification profile to be used by default. This way, unless you have changed the notification settings of a module, all system modules that send out emails and notification use the profile you configure to be default. To specify which notification profile to be used by default follow the instructions below:

  1. In the main menu, click Administration » Settings » Advanced.
  2. In the treeview on the left, click Notifications » DefaultProfiles
  3. In the ProfileName textbox type the name of the notification profile you want to be used as default for the system
  4. Click Save changes

Change the default notification profile on a module level

By default, all system modules use the Default notification profile. If you need to use different profiles for different modules, you can specify which notification profile to be used on a module level. If you specify a notification profile on a module level, the module starts using the specified profile, instead of the default profile configured on a global level.

Following is a list of modules where you can specify a notification profile:

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