Open statistics

The open statistics provide statistics about the opening of the emails that are sent through a campaign. They can be used to provide information like:

  • Date of the last email that has been opened;
  • Total number of times messages have been opened;
  • The number of recipients that opened the email;

This topic explains how to obtain these statistics and how to work with them in order to visualize specific information.

Generating open statistics

The generation of the open statistics objects is handled by Sitefinity CMS. Whenever a subscriber opens an email from a campaign, an OpenStat object is created and stored in the data base.

The OpenStat object contains information regarding the following:

  • The id of the campaign to which the opened e-mail belongs;
  • The date on which the e-mail was opened;
  • The id of the subscriber, who opened the e-mail;

Querying open statistics

To query all of the open statistics for a specific campaign, you must use the NewslettersManager class. The following code gets the open statistics for the campaign with the specified ID through the Native API.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.Newsletters;
using Telerik.Sitefinity.Newsletters.Model;
namespace Telerik.Sitefinity.Documentation.CodeSnippets.DevGuide.SitefinityEssentials.Modules.EmailCampaigns.Statistics
public partial class EmailCampaignsSnippets
public List<OpenStat> GetOpenStats(Guid campaignId)
NewslettersManager manager = NewslettersManager.GetManager();
var openStats = manager.GetOpenStats().Where(o => o.CampaignId == campaignId).ToList();
return openStats;
view raw GetOpenStats.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

First, you initialize the NewslettersManager. Then, you call GetOpenStats method to retrieve all open statistics and, finally, you filter the statistics based on the CampaignId property.

In order to obtain more specific information, you can additionally manipulate the result collection by using the OpenDate and SubscriberIdproperties of the OpenStat object.

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