In addition to syncing the entire site or elements of it using the SiteSync module, you can sync only a single items or pages from the grid or publish and sync them after having edited an item or page.
This feature gives you the option to immediately sync small changes, such as typos, without having to perform a sync of the entire modules or sites. For regular syncs, use the SiteSync module.
NOTE: You can sync only items or pages that you are allowed to publish. For example, if there is an active workflow and you only have the option to send an item for approval, you do not have the option to sync the item. Items that are awaiting approval can only be published and synced if the user syncing them can skip workflow. For more information, see Define workflows.
NOTE: These options do not automatically sync structure or data. They only give the user who is performing the site sync to be able to choose these options. For more information, see Promote content with SiteSync » Select which content to promote.
When you want to sync a single item or page, the system also automatically syncs the following dependent structures and content:
IMPORTANT: If you made changes the template of a page that you want to sync, the template will not be synced, because it can affect other pages. In this case, you cannot use the single item sync. You can sync these changes using the SiteSync module or from the template page. For more information, see Page templates.
To sync a single item or a page, perform the following:
If you have configured the SiteSync with more than one target servers, a dropdown box appears on the confirmation screen where you must choose the target server where you want to sync the item.
NOTE: If you want to sync the item to more than one server, you need to perform the procedure for each of the desired servers.
Items have different actions buttons and vary in the results of the sync, depending on their state. The table bellow provides an overview of the item state, action available, and the expected result of the sync.
You can select multiple items to sync them in bulk. Some of the items might not be synced, depending on their state. For more information see, Bulk Sync of items with different state. To sync items in bulk:
When you sync items in bulk, some of them might not be synced or the sync result might be different than the one you expected. The table below provides an overview of what happens when you sync items in bulk.
After syncing a single item or page to a target server, the system allows you to view the status of this operation. For all the versions of an item, you can see which have been sync, when, and with which target server.
You can see this in the revision history of an item or page. For each version of an item, you have the sync information, including timestamp, sync status, and target server. If the column is empty, the item has never been synced.
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This free lesson teaches administrators, marketers, and other business professionals how to use the Integration hub service to create automated workflows between Sitefinity and other business systems.
This free lesson teaches administrators the basics about protecting yor Sitefinity instance and its sites from external threats. Configure HTTPS, SSL, allow lists for trusted sites, and cookie security, among others.
The free on-demand video course teaches developers how to use Sitefinity .NET Core and leverage its decoupled architecture and new way of coding against the platform.
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