File URL field

ThesfFileUrlField is a directive that enables you to choose a file with a certain extension from your SitefinityWebApp folder and returns the file's URL. You must pass an extension and all files displayed are with this extension. The extensions you may use are CSSJS, and HTML. The sfFileUrlField directive is defined in a module with the same name: sfFileUrlField.

URL field atributes

The sfFileUrlField directive exposes the following attributes:

Attribute Description
Accepts a scope variable that holds the selected URL of the file.
Accepts a string as the file extension to search for.
Accepts a string as the title to show on the modal window when selecting file.
Allows you to override the template of the sfFileUrlField directive.
Specifies the assembly where the template of the sfFileUrlField directive is located.

Add the URL field directive

The following example demonstrates how to add asfFileUrlField directive in a widget designer's view.

To enable AngularJs to link the sfFileUrlField directive in your custom designer view, you must load the script of the directive and add a dependency to the module:

  1. Sitefinity CMS automatically registers the scripts you need and, if no other designer view with explicitly set priority exists, Sitefinity CMS sets your designer view priority 1. In case you need to have full control over the scripts that are loaded or you want to set custom priority, you can alternatively create your own DesignerView.YourView.json file. If you have a JSON file that matches the convention (even if empty), this automatic scripts registration will not occur. In your DesignerView.YourView.json file, add a scripts array. As a result, the file content should be similar to the following:
    "priority": 1,
    "components" : ["sf-file-url-field"]
  2. Sitefinity CMS automatically finds all AngularJS modules you rely on and references the widget designer to them. In case you rely on custom AngularJS modules or have logic that needs an AngularJS controller, you can create your own designerview-<yourview>.js file. If you have a .js file that matches the convention (even if empty), this automatic modules referencing will not occur. In your designerview-yourview.js file, right before the definition of your custom view controller, place the following code snippet:
    (function () {
    var designerModule = angular.module('designer');
    designerModule.controller('YourViewCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
    $scope.fileUrl = null;

    In the code above, the URL of the selected CSS is stored in the $scope.fileUrl variable.

  3. In your DesignerView.YourView.cshtml file, place the following tag where you want to render the sfFileUrlField directive:
    <sf-file-url-field sf-model="fileUrl" sf-extension="css" sf-title="Select CSS file"></sf-file-url-field>

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