For developers: Comments events
This section provides you with an overview of the comment events that use the Telerik.Sitefinity.Services.Comments assembly.
NOTE: If you are using Sitefinity CMS 6.1 or older, the comment events use the Telerik.Sitefinity.Modules.GenericContent.Events assembly. For more, information, see For developers: Comments events (Sitefinity CMS 6.1 and older).
All content modules support comments that expose their own set of events. You can use these events to execute your own logic whenever an action on a comment is performed. This logic is executed for all modules, which support comments. The type of the items, which are commented, is passed as an argument to your event handler. With the rest of the events, you must always use interfaces to subscribe, even if the actual events that fire are concrete implementations (classes).
Following is a full list of the events supported by comments:
This interface is implemented by all events fired for Comments. Use it, if you want to subscribe to all of them.
Subscribe using the following code:
>(evt => CommentsEventHandler(evt));
In the event handler, you can access the comment item that fired the event, in the following way:
public void CommentsEventHandler(ICommentEvent eventInfo)
var item = eventInfo.Item;
For more information, see For developers: Comments module.
This interface is implemented by all events that fire before a comment is created. Use the following code to subscribe:
>(evt => CommentsEventHandler(evt));
Your event handler must look in the following way:
public void CommentsEventHandler(ICommentCreatingEvent eventInfo)
// your logic
This interface is implemented by all events that fire after a comment has been created. Use the following code to subscribe:
>(evt => CommentsEventHandler(evt));
Your event handler must look in the following way:
public void CommentsEventHandler(ICommentCreatedEvent eventInfo)
// your logic
This interface is implemented by all events that fire before a comment is updated.
Use the following code to subscribe:
>(evt => CommentsEventHandler(evt));
In the event handler you can access the original comment item, in the following way:
public void CommentsEventHandler(ICommentUpdatingEvent eventInfo)
var originalItem = eventInfo.OriginalItem;
This interface is implemented by all events that fire after a comment is updated.
Use the following code to subscribe:
>(evt => CommentsEventHandler(evt));
Your event handler must look in the following way:
public void CommentsEventHandler(ICommentUpdatedEvent eventInfo)
// your logic
This interface is implemented by all events that fire before a comment is deleted.
Use the following code to subscribe:
>(evt => CommentsEventHandler(evt));
Your event handler must look in the following way:
public void CommentsEventHandler(ICommentDeletingEvent eventInfo)
// your logic
This interface is implemented by all events that fire after a comment has been deleted. Use the following code to subscribe:
>(evt => CommentsEventHandler(evt));
Your event handler must look in the following way:
public void CommentsEventHandler(ICommentDeletedEvent eventInfo)
// your logic