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In this topic we are going to walk you through all phases of implementing your own WCF RESTful web service in accordance with Sitefinity CMS conventions and way of thinking.
We start with the explanation of the basic steps to create a WCF service with Visual Studio and explain some slight peculiarities you need to implement in order to achieve a Sitefinity CMS zero-configuration WCF RESTful service.
After that, we move to the subject of designing RESTful services, following Sitefinity CMS conventions so that the Sitefinity CMS client binding infrastructure can consumer these services and give some advice on the general approach to RESTful service design.
With the first two steps absolved, we complete the process with the demonstration of the actual logic implementation of a web service.
In the final three articles, we explain the CollectionContext object and its usage, discuss the basics of the serialization with WCF and finally give some guidelines on the exception handling in WCF services.
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