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The page break widget is what makes a form a multipage form. Page breaks work as separators and divide the form to different pages. They enable users to navigate between the pages of the form.
At the end of each page, the page break automatically includes a Next button and a Submit button on the last page. You can also enable the Previous step option, so that users can navigate between form pages.By default, this option is not enabled.
When you place the page break on the form body, the form automatically displays two new layout placeholders – header and footer. Reversely, when you remove the last page break element, the header and footer placeholders are removed from the form as well.
NOTE: Users cannot use page titles to navigate between form pages.
When you place the form navigation widget in the form body, the widget automatically places a default title for every form page. When you add more page breaks to the form, a new page is automatically added to the form and it is displayed in the navigation.
In the designer of the Form navigation widget, you can modify the following:
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