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Each service may have one or more types. You cannot add one and the same type twice in a service.
Under This service provides access to..., you can configure which types are included in the service and which of their fields are exposed.
NOTE: By living all types selected, you are setting the AutoGeneration property of the service to true. It controls how the types to the service are added. If it is set to true, the types of the service will be automatically populated from OOB Sitefinity CMS recommended types and their properties. This means that every newly added or removed custom field or dynamic type will be automatically added or removed from this collection. The changes to the configuration are reflected immediately after a save action occurs. An exception is the navigation property for comments, whose AutoGeneration mode depends on the configuration in the Comments module. A change to the comments settings require an application restart. You can turn off auto-generation from the Advanced configuration of types.
To configure the types that are exposed by the service, perform the following:
Select the types included in the service
To select only certain types, perform the following:
NOTE: When excluding some types, you can decide whether to set the AutoGeneration property to false. This means when a new type is created, it will not be automatically reflected in the service. You have to manually maintain the collection of types.
To do this, deselect Automatically select newly created content types checkbox.
If you want to change the auto-generated URL of the type, click the URL of the type and enter the new one. This way, you set the UrlName property of the type, which is the third segment in the URL that is used to build up the full URL. This property is unique per service.
After you have chosen which type to include in the service, for each selected type, you can configure which fields you want to include and what properties each field would have, such as sorting or filtering.
Perform the following:
NOTE: When excluding some types, you can decide whether to set the AutoGenerationproperty to false. This means when a the fields of a type change, this will not be automatically reflected in the service. You have to manually maintain the collection of types and their fields.
If you want to set individual access level for a content type that is different that the access level, you set for the entire web service, click Advanced. In the ACCESS dropdown box, select the desired access level for each individual content type.
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