Capability matrix and limitations

Restricted capabilities

In Sitefinity SaaS, the Sitefinity CMS is provided as a service, which requires certain customizations to the system to be restricted and results in limited available functionality.

The restricted capabilities are outlined in the following table.

Backend menu Restricted option
  • Modules & Services
  • Add-ons
  • Labels & Messages
  • Backend Pages
  • Version & Licensing
  • File manager
  • Export/Import
  • Connector for SharePoint
  • Connector for Marketo
  • Connector for SalesForce
  • Connector for Eloqua
  • Connector for HubSpot
  • Analytics
  • Email campaigns (all options)
  • Comments

In addition to the listed restricted options, Sitefinity SaaS users cannot add custom fields to static content types (such as News or Pages). Instead, users should recreate the content types as custom ones.

Page views and API calls

The base Sitefinity SaaS platform includes 1M page views and 5M API calls that can be used per given billing period. The billing period is 12 months and starts from the month after the purchase date. In case of overages, the customer will be charged for additional page views in increments of 1M or API calls in increments of 5M. The increments of 1M additional page views or 5M API calls can also be pre-purchased and can be used throughout the billing period.

For example, if a customer is subscribed to Sitefinity SaaS with 1M page views per year and has 1.5M page views within that billing period, the customer would have to pay for an additional 1M page views (2M page views in total) for the entire billing period.

Number of websites

By default, Sitefinity SaaS allows for only 1 website. However, it is possible to increase this limit by purchasing an add-on.

Number of supported languages

When you subscribe to Sitefinity SaaS, you will get support for 2 languages. However, you have the option to increase this number up to 5 languages by purchasing an add-on.
We are planning to increase this limit in the future.

Number of concurrent backend users

Concurrent backend users are considered the backend users that are logged in to the Sitefinity backend simultaneously.

By default, the concurrent backend users are limited to 5. If a 6th user tries to log in while the maximum number of 5 users are already logged in, a message indicating that the limit is reached will be displayed to the user. However, it is possible to increase this limit up to 15 users by purchasing an add-on.

Number of Management Portal users

Management Portal users are the users (normally developers) who have access to the .NET Core Renderer project source code and all the automation related to its build and deployment (CI/CD). By default, the Management Portal users are limited to 5. 

Frontend technology

Frontend technology is used to build the front-end presentation layer of your Sitefinity websites. Sitefinity SaaS only supports the ASP.NET Core frontend framework.

Capability matrix

A detailed capability comparison between the existing Sitefinity Cloud (PaaS), the new Sitefinity SaaS, and Sitefinity on-premise (perpetual license) are outlined in the table below.

  Sitefinity Cloud (PaaS) Sitefinity SaaS Sitefinity on-prem
Included domains 1 1 1
Page views (per year)   1M
(up to 300M)
(up to 60M) 
API calls (per year)   60M
(up to 1.8B)
(up to 300M)
Single-tenant setup   check-icon Option   
Supported websites 1 - 1000  1
(option for more) 
Uptime SLA  99.9%   99.9%  
 Included environments  2  2  
 Supported languages  Unlimited  2  
Supported technology  .NET 4.8,  
.NET Core 
.NET Core   .NET 4.8,   
.NET Core  
Number of concurrent backend users   Unlimited  5
(up to 15)
Included Management Portal users   10 - 30 5
(option for more) 
Availability management  24/7/365   24/7/365  
Root cause analysis   8/5    
Software maintenance  check-icon  check-icon   
Managed service  check-icon  check-icon   
Security & System Health       
Access to private network  check-icon     
DDoS mitigation 
(Production and Staging) 
check-icon  check-icon  
Web application firewall
(all environments) 
check-icon  check-icon   
(Production only) 
 check-icon   check-icon   
Database backup
(all environments) 
 check-icon   check-icon  
Database backup retention (days)   Maximum 35-day point-in-time restore  Maximum 35-day point-in-time restore   
 Self-service database restore check-icon   check-icon  
Geo-replicated database check-icon    
SSL certificate   check-icon   check-icon  
Compliance  SOC2, SOC TSP, HIPAA
Production & Staging      
(Production only)
Load balancing check-icon
 Content Delivery Network
check-icon   check-icon  
Search service check-icon   check-icon  
Distributed cache
 (Production only) 
Management Portal       
Source control repository  check-icon  check-icon  
 Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) check-icon check-icon   
Automated upgrades  check-icon  check-icon   
 User management check-icon  check-icon  
 Domain management check-icon check-icon  


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