Prepare for Go-Live


You can use the guidance provided in this article to prepare for Go-Live of your Sitefinity SaaS application.

Planning and coordination

Make sure that you contact your Customer Success Manager, onboarding facilitator, or Progress Support in order for the Go-Live date to be registered and confirmed, at least seven days before the expected launch. This guarantees that the heads-up information will reach the Sitefinity SaaS on-call team, so that the following actions can be performed by a member of the team:

  • Go over a checklist to inspect the application and flag potential risks that need to be addressed before the Go-Live.
  • Enable health monitoring after the Go-Live.

    NOTE: Before the Go-Live, health monitoring is disabled to avoid false-positive alerts during the development phase, when frequent changes and not fully-tested code can be deployed to Production.

In case you need immediate support during or after the Go-Live, contact Sitefinity Phone Assistance over the phone. The Technical Support Engineers can raise an incident and involve a member of the Sitefinity SaaS on-call team, if necessary.


Domain Management

Make sure that your Production domains and SSL certificates are validated before the Go-Live. For more information about verifying Production domains and SSL certificates, see Domain management » Verify the domain.

In case you have an existing Cloudflare setup separate from Sitefinity SaaS, certain specifics may apply regarding the domain verification. Make sure to bring this topic up with your onboarding facilitator, Customer Success Manager, or Progress Support before verifying the domains or certificates.

IP whitelisting / restrict access 

Is there a need to restrict access to any of the environments? If this is necessary, contact Progress Sitefinity Support and provide details on what needs to be restricted.

Overall testing

Functional / Sanity testing

Make sure to test all core features of your project, as well as standard processes and operations utilized by backend (Administration UI) users.

API integration testing

Verify that any third-party integrations are working as expected on the Production environment.

Exceptions in error logs

Review the error logs in Application Insights for exceptions and ensure those are addressed before the Go-Live. For more information on how to review the logs, see Troubleshooting » Logs.
In addition, check the Progress Knowledge Base for details on the errors, in case they are known errors.

Load testing

If possible, perform load and/or performance tests on your project. You need to coordinate the testing upfront with your onboarding facilitator, Customer Success Manager, or Progress Support.

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