Other clients

The following article lists Insight .NET SDK miscellaneous clients, along with their constructors and methods.

A/B test client

You use the ABTestClient class to manage your A/B tests.
For more information, see .NET SDK data types.


  • public ABTestClient(IAccessToken token, string datacenterKey)
    Initializes a new instance of the ABTestClient class, using authorization token and datacenter API key.

    NOTE: If you are using .NET SDK 3.1.8 or older, in addition to the above constructor, you will also have the following constructor: public ABTestClient(IAccessToken token, string serverAddress, string datacenterKey).
    For later versions of the .NET SDK, this constructor is obsolete and you must replace it with public ABTestClient(IAccessToken token, string datacenterKey).
    For more information, see Capture server side data with .NET SDK.


  • public Task<ABTest> UpdateStatus(Guid abTestId, ABTestBusinessStatus newBusinessStatus, DateTime? startDate, DateTime? stopDate)
    Updates the AB test status.
  • public Task<IEnumerable<ABTestCompatibleDecGoal>> GetCompatibleDecGoals()
    Gets the compatible Insight goals.

Accounts client

You use this class to get information about accounts where you have access and their data centers.

For more information, see Reference: .NET SDK data types.


  • public AccountClient(IAccessToken accessToken)
    Initializes a new instance of the AccountClient class using authorization token.

    NOTE: If you are using .NET SDK 3.1.8 or older, in addition to the above constructor, you will also have the following constructor: public AccountClient(IAccessToken token, string serverAddress, string datacenterKey).
    For later versions of the .NET SDK, this constructor is obsolete and you must replace it with public AccountClient(IAccessToken token, string datacenterKey).
    For more information, see Capture server side data with .NET SDK.


  • public Task<IEnumerable<Datacenter>> GetDatacenters(Guid accountId, LoadOptions loadOptions)
  • public Task<IEnumerable<Account>> GetMyAccounts(LoadOptions loadOptions)

Conversion client

You use the ConversionClient class to manage conversions and recommendation.


  • public ConversionClient(IAccessToken token, string datacenterKey)
    Initializes a new instance of the ConversionClient class using authorization token and data center API key.

    NOTE: If you are using .NET SDK 3.1.8 or older, in addition to the above constructor, you will also have the following constructor: public ConversionClient(IAccessToken token, string serverAddress, string datacenterKey).
    For later versions of the .NET SDK, this constructor is obsolete and you must replace it with public ConversionClient(IAccessToken token, string datacenterKey).
    For more information, see Capture server side data with .NET SDK.


  • public Task<RecommendationsCount> CountRecommendations(LoadOptions loadOptions)
    Gets the recommendations count.
  • public Task<IEnumerable<GoalRecommendation>> GetAllRecommendations(LoadOptions loadOptions)
    Gets all recommendations.
  • public Task<GoalRecommendation> GetRecommendationById(int id)
    Gets a recommendation by identifier.

Touchpoints client

You use TouchpointsClients class to create and manage touchpoints, such as perform CRUD operations for touchpoints data, get attributes, create or get content touchpoints from Sitefinity CMS.
For more information, see .NET SDK data types.


  • public TouchpointsClient(IAccessToken token, string datacenterKey)
    Initializes a new instance of the TouchpointsClient class, using authorization token and data center API key.


  • public Task<Touchpoint> CreateContentTouchpoint(ContentTouchpointDefinition contentTouchpointDefinition)
    Creates a content touchpoint.
  • public Task<CollectionResponse<TouchpointAttribution>> GetAttributions(LoadOptions loadOptions)
    Gets touchpoints' attributions.
  • public Task<CollectionResponse<Touchpoint>> GetContentTouchpoints()
    Gets all content touchpoints.
  • public Task<CollectionResponse<Touchpoint>> GetContentTouchpoints(ContentTouchpointDefinition contentTouchpointDefinition)
    Retrieves content touchpoints by definition filter.

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