Personalization clients
The following article lists Sitefinity Insight .NET SDK personalization clients, along with their constructors, methods, properties, and sample code.
You use these APIs to manage information related to content personalization, such as contact properties and the relationship of visitors to personas, lead scorings, touchpoints and conversions. You use this information to build personalized experiences on your web sites.
PersonalizationClient class
You use the PersonalizationClient
class to get information for Visitors and Contacts that you can use for personalization. You use this class to get information, such as Contact properties, Personas, and Leads. To provide this information internally, PersonalizationClass
uses one API call, which improves performance. You access this information using one method, instead of using multiple methods from different Insight Client classes.
RECOMMENDATION: We recommend using the PersonalizationClient
class instead of the ScoringClient
To use the PersonalizationClient
class, you need to use Sitefinity Insight .NET SDK 2.0.0 or later. This SDK is compatible with Sitefinity CMS 13.0 and later. If you use the Insight .NET SDK and Sitefinity CMS NuGet packages together in a single project, make sure that you use compatible versions of both packages.
PersonalizationClient(IAccessToken token, string datacenterKey)
Initializes a new instance of the PersonalizationClient
class using authorization token and datacenter API key.
PersonalizationInfo class
You use this class to get the complete personalization information that Sitefinity Insight has associated with a given Visitor. To get an instance of this class, use PersonalizationClient.GetPersonalizationInfo() method.
public IDictionary<Guid, string> Properties {get; internal set;}
Contains all available contact properties for the visitor. The key of the dictionary is the identifier of the Contact property, and the value contains the associated property.
public IList<int> InPersonas {get; internal set;}
Contains the identifiers of all Personas the visitor belongs to.
public IList<int> PassedLeadLevels {get; internal set;}
Contains the identifiers of all completed Lead levels.
PersonalizationEntitiesWithPeriod class
You use the PersonalizationEntitiesWithPeriod
class to specify the IDs of touchpoints and conversions and, optionally, the period, which to query personalization information for. The PersonalizationContext
class has members of type PersonalizationEntitiesWithPeriod
public HashSet<int> Ids { get; private set; }
Contains all IDs of personalization entities that you are querying.
PeriodInDays { get; set; }
The period, in days, which you are querying the personalization entities for.
The allowed values are -1, 7, 30, 90, 180, and 365. The default value is -1, which means any time.
PersonalizationContext class
You use the PersonalizationContext class to construct a query about personalization entities for a given visitor. Sitefinity Insight returns only the data scoped via the properties of this class, thus making the query lighter and faster to execute.
public bool ContactProperties { get; set; }
You set this property to true to indicate that you want to query contact properties.
public HashSet<int> PersonasIds { get; private set; }
In this set, you include the IDs of all personas that you want to query.
public HashSet<int> LeadsIds { get; private set; }
In this set, you include the IDs of all lead scorings that you want to query.
public PersonalizationEntitiesWithPeriod Touchpoints { get; private set; }
In this set, you include the IDs of all touchpoints that you want to query, together with the period that you want to return.
public PersonalizationEntitiesWithPeriod Conversions { get; private set; }
In this set, you include the IDs of all conversions that you want to query, together with the period that you want to return.
PersonalizationInfoV2 class
You use this class to get personalization information that Sitefinity Insight has associated with a given visitor. You get instances of the PersonalizationInfoV2
class as a result of successful call of the PersonalizationClient.BuildPersonalizationInfo
public bool HasTimedOut { get; set; }
Indicates whether the request succeeded in the time allotted in the timeout argument of PersonalizationClient.BuildPersonalizationInfo
public IDictionary<Guid, string> Properties { get; set; }
Contains all available contact properties for the visitor. The dictionary key is the identifier of the Contact property.
public IList<int> InPersonas { get; set; }
A list of identifiers of all personas in which the visitor is recognized.
public IList<LeadAndLevelIdentifiers> PassedLeads { get; set; }
A list of all passed lead scorings and stage identifiers for the visitor.
public IList<PersonalizationInfoEntityWithEventDate> InTouchpoints { get; set; }
A list of all touchpoints touched by the visitor.
For more information, see PersonalizationInfoEntityWithEventDate below.
public IList<PersonalizationInfoEntityWithEventDate> InConversions { get; set; }
A list of all conversions that the visitor belongs to.
For more information, see PersonalizationInfoEntityWithEventDate below.
LeadAndLevelIdentifiers class
The LeadAndLevelIdentifiers
class represents a lead scoring type and its stages.
public int LevelId { get; set; }
The stage or the level of a lead scoring.
public int LeadId { get; set; }
The lead scoring ID
PersonalizationInfoEntityWithEventDate class
The PersonalizationInfoEntityWithEventDate
class represents the personalization info for a specific personalization entity, such as conversion or touchpoint.
public int Id { get; set; }
The entity ID.
public DateTime LatestEventDate { get; set; }
The latest date when the event occurred.
PersonalizationInfo class
NOTE: If you are Sitefinity CMS 14.1 and later or .NET SDK 3.4.0 and later, do not use this method. Instead, use the PersonalizationInfoV2
You use this class to get the complete personalization information that Sitefinity Insight has associated with a given visitor. To get an instance of this class, use PersonalizationClient.GetPersonalizationInfo()
public IDictionary<Guid, string> Properties {get; internal set;}
Contains all available contact properties for the visitor. The key of the dictionary is the identifier of the Contact property, and the value contains the associated property.
public IList<int> InPersonas {get; internal set;}
Contains the identifiers of all Personas the visitor belongs to.
public IList<int> PassedLeadLevels {get; internal set;}
Contains the identifiers of all completed Lead levels.
Scoring client
You use the ScoringsClient
class to manage the scorings for Personas and Leads.
public ScoringClient(IAccessToken token, string datacenterKey)
Initializes a new instance of the ScoringClient
class using authorization token and data center API key. Use this class to construct a new instance of the ScoringClient
NOTE: If you are using .NET SDK 3.1.8 or older, in addition to the above constructor, you will also have the following constructor: public ScoringClient(IAccessToken token, string serverAddress, string datacenterKey)
For later versions of the .NET SDK, this constructor is obsolete and you must replace it with public ScoringClient(IAccessToken token, string datacenterKey)
For more information, see Capture server side data with .NET SDK.
Methods Personas
public Task<IEnumerable<Persona>> GetAllPersonas(LoadOptions loadOptions)
Gets all personas.
public Task<Persona> GetPersonaById(int personaId)
Gets a persona by identifier.
public Task<IPersonaResult> CheckPersonas(string dataSourceName, string subject, params int[] personaIds)
Checks whether a client is recognized in specified personas.
public Task<IPersonaResult> CheckPersonas(string dataSourceName, string subject, TimeSpan? timeout, params int[] personaIds)
Checks whether a client is recognized in specified personas.
public Task<bool> CheckPersona(string dataSourceName, string subject, TimeSpan? timeout, int personaId)
Checks whether a client is recognized in a persona.
public Task<bool> CheckPersona(string dataSourceName, string subject, int personaId)
Checks whether a client is recognized in a persona.
public Task<CollectionResponse<PersonaPoints>> GetPersonaPoints(LoadOptions loadOptions)
Gets the persona points.
public Task<IEnumerable<PersonaScoringStatistic>> GetPersonaScoringStatistics(int scoringId, DateTime from, DateTime to, Scale scale = Scale.Weekly)
Gets the persona scoring statistics.
Methods Lead scoring
public Task<LeadScoringStatistic> GetLeadScoringStatistics(int scoringId, DateTime from, DateTime to, Scale scale = Scale.Weekly)
Gets the lead scoring statistics.
public Task<IEnumerable<LeadScore>> GetAllLeads(LoadOptions loadOptions)
Gets all leads.
public Task<LeadScore> GetLeadById(int leadId)
Gets a lead scoring by identifier.
public Task<ILeadInResult> CheckLeads(string dataSourceName, string subject, TimeSpan? timeout, params int[] scoringIds)
Checks whether a client is recognized in specified lead scorings.
Sample code
The following sample code demonstrates how to check whether the subject is associated to the first persona or is part of the first lead scoring type in the data center. This sample demonstrates the usage of the PersonalizationContext.BuildPersonalizationInfo method.