Install Sitefinity in Next.js mode


PREREQUISITES: You must have Node.js version 18.8 or higher installed.

In this mode, the external Next.js renderer handles the requests that it can process and serves as a proxy and forwards all other requests to Sitefinity CMS. This means that it is possible to display some pages via the Next.js rendering engine and the rest could be configured to fallback to the default Sitefinity CMS rendering. For more information, see Migrate from MVC to Next.js This allows gradual page by page migration from the classic Sitefinity CMS pages to Next.js or having some of the pages rendered by Next.js and the rest handled by Sitefinity CMS.

The following article describes how to setup Sitefinity CMS to work with a standalone Next.js application as renderer.

Install Sitefinity in Next.js mode

NOTE: To install Sitefinity CMS using NuGet, you must use Visual Studio 2017 or later. This article uses Visual Studio 2019 as a reference.

To install Sitefinity CMS in a blank web application using a NuGet package, perform the following:

Create a blank web application

To do this, perform the following:

  1. Open Visual Studio.
  2. In the toolbar, click File » New Project…
    The Create a new project window appears.
  3. In the All languages dropdown, select C#.
  4. In the All platforms dropdown, select Windows.
  5. And in the All project types dropdown, select Web.
  6. From the list of projects, select ASP.NET Web Application (.NET Framework).
  7. In Project name, enter a name of your project.
    For example, enter SitefinityWebApp
  8. Choose a location to store your project.
  9. Enter a name for the solution.
    For example, enter SitefinityWebApp
  10. In Framework, select .NET Framework 4.8.
  11. Click Create.
  12. In the window that appears, select Empty and click Create.

Configure Sitefinity NuGet repository

In Visual Studio, perform the following:

  1. In the toolbar, click Tools » NuGet Package Manager » Package Manager Settings.
  2. In the left pane, expand NuGet Package Manager.
  3. Select Package Sources.
  4. Add a new source by clicking the plus button.
  5. In Name, enter Sitefinity Nuget
  6. In Source, enter
  7. Click OK.

Install Sitefinity in Next.js mode

Install Sitefinity CMS

In Visual Studio, perform the following:

  1. In the toolbar, click Tools » NuGet Package Manager » Package Manager Console.
    The Package Manager Console opens.
  2. In Package source, select Sitefinity Nuget.
  3. In Default project, select the empty project that you have created.
  4. Install the Progress.Sitefinity.Headless package by entering in the console: Install-Package Progress.Sitefinity.Headless

    NOTE: With these commands, you install the latest patch build. If you want to install a specific version, you must use the command followed by -Version and the version number.

    For example, enter Install-Package Progress.Sitefinity.Headless -Version 14.4.8100.0 

  5. Wait until Sitefinity CMS is installed on your empty project.
  6. Build your solution.

Host Sitefinity CMS on IIS

If your project is hosted on a local IIS, you need to make some specific settings, so that your Sitefinity CMS can communicate with the Renderer application:

  1. Download the NuGet package Progress.Sitefinity.Cloud.AppGatewayHostRewriteModule.
  2. Change the file extension from .nupkg to .zip and extract the files.
  3. In the extracted folder, navigate to the Content folder.
  4. Copy the HostRewriteModule.dll and paste in a dedicated folder.

NOTE: IIS's NETWORK SERVICE must have permissions to access the folder. The file must remain in this folder for as long as the extension is used. Deleting the file or its folder can cause issues.

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
  2. At the top, select your server and click Modules.
  3. Click Configure Native Modules » Register.
  4. Set the name to AppGatewayHostRewriteModule.
  5. In Path, navigate to the HostRewriteModule.dll, select it, and click OK.
  6. Ensure the checkbox next to AppGatewayHostRewriteModule is selected and click OK.

Setup the project

  1. Open the project in Visual Studio.
  2. In the Solution Explorer, open the context menu of your newly created project.
  3. Click View » View in browser.
    Your project starts in a browser.
  4. Install your license.
    After the project initialized in the browser, the License activation page appears.
    Perform procedure Activate a license.
  5. Setup the project.
    After you activate your license, the Project Startup page appears.
    Perform procedure Setup the project.
    Sitefinity CMS Dashboard appears.

Install Sitefinity in Next.js mode

Configure Sitefinity CMS 

Next, you have to configure the access to the default web service endpoint in Sitefinity CMS:

  1. In Sitefinity CMS backend, navigate to Administration » Web services
  2. Open the Default web service. 
  3. Under Who can access the content by this service?, select Everyone
  4. Save your changes.  

Create Next.js application 

To create your Next.js application, perform the following: 

  1. Open your terminal in the directory you want to create the application in. 
  2. Run the following command: npx create-next-app nextjs-sitefinity --example 
    This is  the basic minimum code needed to bootstrap a standalone rendering application. Changes and updates to this would be reflected in the GitHub repository of the Next.js project. 
  3. In the console, type cd nextjs-sitefinity 
  4. In the console, type npm run dev  

To develop your website, you need access to the WYSIWYG editor and to the backend at the same time - to drop your widgets and configure them.

Running in development mode does not require installing additional software and works on any Node.js supported OS.

NOTE: The sample project runs under SSL by default and installs a default SSL certificate. To remove it, change the command configuration in the package.json file. 

Proxy logic

To have seamless experience when using the standalone renderer application together with Sitefinity CMS, the renderer is also working as a proxy and forwards every request it cannot handle to Sitefinity CMS. This way, the user does not have to switch between the two applications. This is done through the SF_CMS_URL environment variable. Setting this variable allows proxying any requests unhandled by the Next.js renderer to the CMS.

You host the renderer at your public domain and your users use only this domain, without considering whether the renderer or Sitefinity CMS handles their request.

Environment variables legend:

  • (Required) 'SF_CMS_URL': The URL of Sitefinity CMS, where to proxy all of the requests that are not pages and to which all of the API call will be made.
  • (Required) 'SF_LOCAL_VALIDATION_KEY': The secret key to work with Sitefinity Cloud. Required only when working with Sitefinity cloud for pages that are not handled by the Next.js renderer. Fore more information on the secret key, see Set up the project for local development (using Next.js Renderer)
  • (Optional) 'NEXT_PUBLIC_SF_CMS_URL': The URL of the CMS for client-side calls, to which all of the API call will be made. Defaults to '/'.
  • (Optional) 'SF_PROXY_ORIGINAL_HOST': Environment variable that controls the host header sent to the CMS. Useful for multisite testing locally.
  • (Optional)'SF_HOST_HEADER_NAME': Environment variable that controls the host header sent to the CMS. Useful for cloud hosting when the original host is sent via a custom header value.
  • (Optional)'SF_WHITELISTED_PATHS': Comma separated urls to pages made with the legacy (MVC/Web forms) frameworks so that the requests can be proxied to Sitefinity for rendering. Default is empty.
  • (Optional)'SF_IS_HOME_PAGE_LEGACY': A flag indicating that the home page of the site is created with the legacy frameworks (MVC/Web forms) and navigation to 'www.siteurl/' will proxy the request to Sitefinity. Defaults to 'false'.
  • (Optional) 'SF_WHITELISTED_WEBSERVICES': A comma-separated urls for sitefinity web services that should be allowed through the proxy.
  • (Optional) 'SF_WEBSERVICE_PATH': Change the web service that the Next.js renderer instance should use. Keep in mind that a custom one should be created first in Sitefinity via Administration » Web services. The service should be enabled and its access set to Everyone. The default value is 'api/default'

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