

You use libraries to store and manage your website's media content, such as images, videos, documents and files. You can create more than one library to store each specific media content type. In each library, you can see a list with all media files stored there, files' properties, translations, common actions, and where the files are stored. You can configure the way media files are ordered, or displayed in your library, for example, you may want to use custom thumbnails to display files. In addition, you can change the method by which items are uploaded into libraries.

Libraries and storage

Once created, a library can be moved together with all of its content to another library, by changing its parent library. In addition, you can change the blob storage provider of a library, which moves all items in a different storage. For example, an image library kept in the database can be moved to the file system, or a library from one cloud account can be moved to another.

IMPORTANT: In case you are using Dropbox as a file hosting service, be aware that the Dropbox API v1 is retired and all its endpoints turned off as of September 2017. As a result, you can no longer integrate Sitefinity libraries with v1 of the Dropbox API or use Dropbox as a custom provider. You can switch to another storage provider, for example Amazon S3, Progress MOVEit, or Microsoft Azure.


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