Let Flowmon be the enabler of your telecommuting policy. In spring 2020, the world started working from home. The number of remote users tipped over from a handful to a majority basically overnight. What may have initially appeared as a few short-term fixes rapidly grew into a full-scale digital transformation of the way organizations work.
“54% of HR leaders indicated that poor technology and/or infrastructure for remote working is the biggest barrier to effective remote working in their organization.”
Coronavirus in Mind: Make Remote Work Successful!
When a large number of users try to access company resources from home, they have to pass through a bottleneck at the business-internet edge. A situation like this is a recipe for traffic congestion, which naturally needs resolving, but the question is how.
Flowmon provides insight into the structure of network traffic and user behavior so that you know precisely how to optimize telecommuter traffic, eliminate latency issues, and ensure users can work safely and productively.
Check out the set of best practices on network monitoring during telework.
“We have a responsibility to the public to keep our infrastructure functioning reliably for an indefinite length of time. Because of the pandemic, we had to quickly adapt to new circumstances and Flowmon has been integral to the transformation.”
Dott. Alessandro Risso
IT Director
Obtain network telemetry Record layer 3-7 transactions Establish full network visibility
Utilize in-depth analysis engine Identify unknown traffic Provide network assurance
Detect security breaches Track network performance Utilize AI, ML & more
Go proactive, not reactive Ascertain degradation Block unwanted traffic
Flowmon measures network telemetry and gives you information such as the number of concurrent users, bandwidth usage, or top talkers. By measuring network delay (round-trip time) and distinguishing it from application delay (server response time), it shows you whether issues lie with your network or the service provider.
With this knowledge in hand, you’ll know whether you need to up VPN licenses, increase bandwidth, or if you are low on hardware resources. That means no more of those pesky complaints about choppy connection during online meetings.
In addition, Flowmon features presets for the monitoring of the most widespread videoconferencing tools (e.g. Cisco Webex, Zoom) to make it easier to accommodate their increased use.
Monitoring the Active Directory will tell you if access is being ensured or threatened. The solution detects and reports on anomalous behaviors, picking up Indicators of Compromise and using a multitude of other methods to discover infiltration by ransomware or other types of attack.
This approach is an absolute must-have especially given the increased number of personal devices where it’s often impossible to enforce the company security policy.
Thankfully, Flowmon, with its sensible price model, will not break the bank and, what is more, will integrate seamlessly with your other tools. It can even maximize your prior investments into infrastructure by utilizing existing appliances as sources of data to use for incident response.
Kemp, IBM, Juniper, Hillstone, Fortinet, Cisco, VMware, Azure, AWS, IXIA, Gigamon, HP ArcSight, Splunk, McAfee, Allied Telesis, Google Cloud
We cannot predict how long the pandemic will stay or how many lockdowns there may be. The fact remains businesses have to continue functioning beyond any emergency.
It only comes down to the question of preparedness and with Flowmon at your side, you’ll be ready for anything.
Explore a fully interactive product and see what issues it can tackle for you.
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