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Progress MOVEit Managed File Transfer for Banking and Financial Services

Protect highly sensitive financial data, automate business processes and comply with strict regulatory requirements.

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Your Challenge

Facilitate a Secure Digital Experience for Customers

In today’s competitive market, organizations must provide a reliable and secure digital experience for their customers. With tighter regulations from the SEC and FINRA Oversight and strict standards, such as PCI-DSS, GDPR and Sarbanes-Oxley, banks and financial institutions cannot afford to put data at risk through outdated file transfer methods, unsanctioned sharing tools and unreliable manual workflows. It’s time to take a more secure and industry-compliant approach.

Our Solution

Why MOVEit Managed File Transfer?

Progress® MOVEit® Managed File Transfer provides a secure, reliable and compliant way for banks and financial service organizations to transfer sensitive data. Secure your files at rest and in transit with enhanced levels of encryption to better comply with PCI DSS, SOX and GDPR. Centralize your file transfer activities across departments, banking systems, financial platforms and service providers to track file movement and delivery. Simplify collaboration for busy staff and partners with intuitive client tools and browser-based file transfer while minimizing the risk of data loss and promoting compliance.

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Security and Compliance

Elevate the Security of Your File Transfer Process

Better protect PII, account information, tax and business data and other highly sensitive data against financial fraud, identity theft, regulatory non-compliance and reputational damage.

  • Progress® MOVEit® Cloud is an auditor-certified PCI, SOC 2 Type 2 solution that supports compliance with CCPA/CPRA, GDPR and industry standards.
  • Progress® MOVEit® Automation provides encryption for data at rest and in motion with tamper-evident logging and file integrity checks.
  • MOVEit helps you enforce data governance, audit file transfer activities and control who can access your customers’ highly valuable data.
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Operational Efficiency

Automate Financial Reports and Transaction Data

Save time and reduce human errors that lead to delays in transactions, reporting and settlements with automated workflows.

  • Set schedules to automatically pull, process and push files to any platform.
  • Achieve fast and reliable delivery for efficient running of financial operations.
  • Save time troubleshooting with secure and trackable file transfers.
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Standardize on One Solution

Reduce File Transfer Complexity and Costs

Replace multiple file transfer tools and scripts with a centralized solution from MOVEit to better control data between internal departments, financial platforms and service providers.

  • Track who is sending and receiving files, when those transfers occur and the delivery status.
  • Promote security-focused collaboration with email, web, mobile and automated file transfer options.
  • Reduce operational costs by automating routine tasks and minimizing the potential for compliance violations.


Related Resources

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Learn More About
MOVEit Managed File Transfer