Progress DataDirect SequeLink is a data connectivity solution that extends your application's access to data sources with limited platform or API access. SequeLink also provides broad access to all major databases using a single universal client component for ODBC, JDBC, ADO.NET, or ADO/OLE DB.
Component |
Features |
All SequeLink Servers and Clients |
- Support for Windows Server 2003 32-bit
SequeLink Server for DB2 UDB on z/OS |
- Improved performance and reduced CPU consumption
- DB2 UDB v8.1 (also was supported with SequeLink 5.3, Service Pack 1)
SequeLink Server for DB2 UDB on Windows/Linux/UNIX |
- DB2 UDB v8.1 (also was supported with SequeLink 5.3, Service Pack 1)
SequeLink Server for Oracle |
SequeLink Server for Informix |
SequeLink Client for JDBC |
- Broader JDBC 3.0 support:
- Updated interfaces for LOBs (for DB2, Informix, and Oracle)
- LOB emulation for SQL Server and Sybase
- Support for multiple open ResultSet objects
SequeLink Client for ODBC |
- 64-bit ODBC clients on Solaris and AIX
- Improved internationalization, including support for Unicode ODBC functions, allowing Unicode connectivity between applications and the database server (for all databases except Informix and DB2 on z/OS)
- SQLDescribeParam support (for all databases except Oracle and Informix)
SequeLink Client for .NET |
- Improved internationalization features
- Support for data scrambling algorithms (byteswap and fixed key DES/3DES)
- Support for ODBC escapes.
- Verification of ADO.NET client with Socket Server opens up the range of data stores accessible from a managed provider environment
- Support for parameter arrays