
Using MarkLogic Semantics

On-demand Training


Course Description

Use RDF data in your MarkLogic applications. Learn to create, manage, index and query triples in order to build applications with powerful semantic features.

Attendees completing this course will be able to:

  • Use semantics in MarkLogic
  • Describe what a triple is and where triples come from
  • Load triples into MarkLogic
  • Know when to use embedded triples
  • Enable a triple index
  • Describe what SPARQL is
  • Write SPARQL queries
  • Use functions and filters in SPARQL queries
  • Specify the serialization of query results
  • Write search and SPARQL combination queries
  • Fetch and store triples from public repositories
  • Write path expressions to traverse a semantic graph
  • Implement inferencing
  • Update triples and graphs
  • Access additional learning resources




8 Hours

Course Outline

Introduction to Semantics and RDF

  • Describe what semantics is
  • Understand semantics in use
  • Realize the benefits of semantics in MarkLogic
  • Access MarkLogic

Understanding Triples

  • Understand what a triple is
  • Learn where triples come from
  • Know the triple formats

Loading Triples into MarkLogic

  • Load triples into a database
  • Understand how triples are stored
  • Load triples through XQuery or JavaScript
  • Load triples through REST
  • Load triples through MLCP
  • Discuss when to use embedded triples
  • Load embedded triples
  • Learn how embedded triples are stored

Enabling the Triple Index

  • Describe what the triple index does
  • Enable the triple index
  • Use the triple index

Querying Triples with SPARQL

  • Explain what SPARQL is
  • Write a SPARQL query
  • Use prefixes
  • Use labels
  • Filter query results
  • Use SPARQL functions
  • Use aggregate functions

Using SPARQL in MarkLogic

  • Execute SPARQL through REST
  • Describe SPARQL through Java and Node.js
  • Execute SPARQL in XQuery and JavaScript
  • Pass values into a SPARQL query
  • Serialize a SPARQL query result
  • Implement semantics in an application
  • Fetch public triples
  • Write a combination query
  • Use XQuery and JavaScript functions

Writing Path Expressions

  • Understand paths
  • Write a path
  • Specify an inverse path
  • Create an or path

Implementing Inferencing

  • Understand inferencing
  • Create an ontology triple
  • Use a path for inferencing
  • Use a rule for inferencing
  • Specify default rules for a database

Updating Triples and Graphs

  • Understand SPARQL update
  • Use INSERT DATA to insert a triple
  • Use DELETE DATA to delete a triple
  • Update a triple
  • Update an embedded triple
  • Update graph permissions
  • Clear a graph

How to Enroll

On-Demand Option

Learn on your own time! Take the class as time permits through our self-paced portal.

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