David Perez

David Perez has been in the tech industry for over 20 years, working for some of the top semiconductor, data center hardware, and enterprise software companies in Silicon Valley and beyond. David is currently the marketing manager for Progress's Managed File Transfer product, MOVEit. Progress is the leading provider of products to develop, deploy, and manage high-impact business applications.


宣佈推出 MOVEit 2022.1
Progress MOVEit 2022.1 可協助貴組織更加輕鬆地以安全、簡單的直覺式方式共用敏感檔案、根據業務需求靈活調整,以及盡量減輕 IT 人員的負擔。
檔案傳輸管理及 PCI DSS 合規
MOVEit 2021 全新功能
Progress 近期發布 MOVEit 2021,為其履獲殊榮的安全及檔案傳輸管理解決方案新增許多令人印象深刻的強化功能。
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