Atanas Valchev

Atanas Valchev is a Tech Support Engineer at Telerik. He joined the Sitefinity Support team in March 2012.

Articles by the Author

Adding custom classification to the Sitefinity search index
With the Sitefinity 7.3 release came many improvements to the search and indexing. Out of the box partial match search and indexing of tags and categories to name a few. Adding the tags and categories to the additional fields for indexing will now automatically translate the guids of the the taxa ...
Change the time format of the date field when creating Events in Sitefinity
When creating events, the time format is 24 hours. This can cause confusion for users in the US, since the preferred format there is AM/PM.  To change the format, we need to create a new template for the DateTime field. It will not contain any markup changes, we will add ...
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