Caroline Giunipero

Caroline Giunipero

Director, Product Management, ShareFile

Caroline Giunipero is Director of Product Management for ShareFile at Progress. She has spent the last ten years helping customers improve workflows and enhance collaboration using technology. Caroline leads product strategy with a relentless focus on understanding and solving customer needs including becoming a knowledge expert in industry specific workflows across accounting, legal, and financial spaces. She aims to bring the power of modern technology to improve everyday lives of customers and their clients.

Articles by the Author

ShareFile and Progress Deliver for Customers
ShareFile has come a long way since it was founded almost 20 years ago, and I’ve personally seen it move from a start-up specializing in file sharing to an industry leader in client and document-centric workflows. Becoming part of Progress marks another step in the ShareFile journey, providing an opportunity to bring more value to customers and serve their comprehensive document and client collaboration needs.
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