John Iwuozor

John Iwuozor is a freelance writer for cybersecurity and B2B SaaS brands. He has written for a host of top brands, the likes of ForbesAdvisor, Technologyadvice and Tripwire, among others. He’s an avid chess player and loves exploring new domains.

Articles by the Author

Building a Future-Ready Martech Stack with Composability
Marketing technology stacks allow for modularity, scalability and agility. See why composability in martech matters and how to craft your own martech strategy.
Using Secure File-Sharing Solutions to Improve Collaboration and Productivity
Secure file-sharing solutions can help your team strengthen security while collaborating for better productivity.
You Get a CDP! And You Get a CDP! Making Sense of the Very Crowded CDP Space
“CDP” has become a catch-all acronym. Let’s see what customer data platforms are really supposed to offer, and the different types you’ll find in today’s market.
Bridging the Design-Development Gap in CMS Projects
To make your digital experience truly shine through your content management system, your designers and developers need to leverage each other. Here’s what that looks like.
Mobile Device Management and Secure File Sharing: Strategies for Securing Mobile Data
The best mobile data strategies for companies with a bring-your-own-device policy pair mobile device management (MDM) with a secure file sharing solution.
Streamlining Insurance Claims with Corticon’s High-Performance Batch Processing
In an industry as data heavy as insurance, processing time and accuracy has a huge impact. Learn about Corticon’s batch processing capabilities.
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