John Iwuozor

John Iwuozor is a freelance writer for cybersecurity and B2B SaaS brands. He has written for a host of top brands, the likes of ForbesAdvisor, Technologyadvice and Tripwire, among others. He’s an avid chess player and loves exploring new domains.

Articles by the Author

Secure Managed File Transfer Solutions: Best Practices for User Authentication and Access Control
Learn the best practices for authenticating users and granting access within you secure managed file transfer solution.
Key Benefits of Managed File Transfer Software
If data security is a concern for your business, learn how managed file transfer software can help you better safeguard your digital assets.
Why Your Business Should Choose a Managed File Transfer Solution
Consider these 10 reasons your business might benefit from a managed file transfer solution for data and file sharing.
Risk Management in Financial Services: Enhancing Decision-Making with Progress Corticon
See how Progress Corticon helps banks and insurance companies streamline decision-making processes and to asses risk more efficiently.
What is Composability and Why Should You Care?
Composability is the ability to interconnect and integrate different parts together to build a whole. Flexible because you can mix and match, composability also adds scalability and agility, as you can continue to swap and build.
John Iwuozor November 08, 2023
Navigating Regulatory Compliance Challenges in Financial Services with Progress Corticon
Use the Corticon BRMS to help your financial services organization handle regulatory compliance—accelerating response time, reducing manual effort and improving accuracy.
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