You know how time-consuming marketing can get. Automation can help! Explore a variety of ways to automate marketing activities to your benefit in this post.
When designing higher education websites, certain things are a must: an accessible and responsive design, a segmented navigation, inclusive imagery, high-tech features. These and other best practices will help your university website connect with students, their parents and other visitors.
A user-friendly martech platform empowers content teams by reducing the learning curve, increasing productivity, and enabling them to focus on what truly matters—creating high-quality content that drives results.
A user-friendly site search can improve the overall user experience of your website. Here are four best practices for improving your search functionality.
The decline of Telehealth 1.0 is a sign that the healthcare industry is due for a massive overhaul. See what sorts of technologies are paving the way and what designers and developers need to know about their applications.