We design, build and operate digital services across the touch-point spectrum. From corporate websites and e-commerce platforms to mobile native apps and digital campaigns. We must support digital transformation that delivers great user experience.
In order to deliver the ultimate digital experience that transforms our perceptions, we should have a solid process behind the scene that helps us build the right experience for the right audience.
Let's have a real example for a process regarding how we build a web presentation/journey for an UI Toolkit product which has been designed specifically for Angular 2. Our role in this journey will be Web Project Manager.
The process should start with a (high level) project definition—an internal initiation of projects within your business organization. Some typical activities you might go through are:
Project definition (what & why). Stakeholders would define:
Once there is an agreement with the business stakeholders on why we need it in first place (such as web presentation of product), we should take a deep dive into the exact business needs and objectives that we need to solve as part of this project. In other words, you are starting the discovery phase of the project. In the discovery phase, normally we should onboard more specialists from your organization, since it is crucial for the successful scoping of the project. It is a collaborative information-gathering process meant to dig deep into the details of what is important to a client's business, target audience and industry.
During this phase—consisting mainly of brainstorming sessions—the team works closely to analyze the existing journey and user experience. The team will dig into the business data and the analytics data to come up with insights and hypotheses about problems and possible solutions. Here are some common activities during this phase (these might vary depending on the project):
Within the business group (e.g. Product Marketing, Product Managers and you—the Web Project Manager) the following activities should be done:
Once there is a meaningful output, the group should be further extended by adding more specialists like: Project Management teams, Engineering teams, Digital Analytics experts, SEO experts, Content Writers and Personalization & Optimization specialists that could further dive into:
Where the outcome in terms of deliverables would be:
All of the prerequisites above have to be prepared and ready for the UX/UI Prototypes & Requirements phase. You will create the whole framework and structure for the UI with which the final solution will be implemented. This is the phase where the prototypes undergo massive iterations, incorporating ideas and finalizing content.
Your teams will follow some main stages in order to deliver the project:
Once we have interactive prototypes we are able to have early validation with real end-users or customers. The engagement of everyone at this stage to review the prototypes is crucial for the success of the project. Typical activities include:
Looks like we are ready to add some colors. Yes—this is the Graphic Design phase. The visual design is the process of imbuing the website’s interface with the brand’s strengths and visual language to best enhance the user experience. It converts the research and analysis, content and structure into an attractive, guiding and responsive experience for the users. On this phase additional input might be needed from the Product Marketing team in terms of providing product related visual materials like screenshots and videos that could be embedded into the design.
As an output from this phase, the Graphic Designer should provide:
That should be shown and discussed with the whole group, and if needed, design iterations should be done afterward.
At the end of this phase you will deliver: Final Design concept, and if needed, production visual elements should be ready too.
Once the design concept is approved, wireframes and all business requirements enter into the Implementation team for production and the Implementation cycle. Programming transforms the wireframes and design into manageable webpages, modules and widgets in Sitefinity.
Engineering ensures the final quality and performance through extensive UI testing, and also applies automated testing for business critical workflows. Common activities for this phase are:
and Deliverables would be:
As we all know, KPIs vary by project, but here is a list of some typical and some more specific things you might want to measure for web projects:
Almost there—next we have to go through the Acceptance & Training phase. The fully-functional solution is delivered on the UAT environment for final review by you, the Web Project Manager, and UX. The UX team provides additional UI testing of the final deliverable. Stakeholders will run into typical activities as:
The Engineering team will help with:
While the Personalization & Optimization team should help out with A/B tests and personalization tactics setup.
Here we go, the last stop of our journey is the Monitoring & Optimization phase. An ongoing monitoring of KPIs should be performed where:
In order to deliver:
The journey from project INCEPTION to post-release OPTIMIZATION might look pretty strict, but it should differ from structure to structure. The main takeaways are:
Last but not least, digital transformation is an emerging trend and sometimes can overwhelm. Don’t let that stop you from starting the process and delivering the customer experience your users truly want.
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