IMPORTANT: This version of Sitefinity CMS is out of support and the respective product documentation is no longer maintained and can be outdated. Use the version selector to view a supported product version.
IMPORTANT: Sitefinity CMS Analytics module is unavailable after July 1, 2024, because it depends on the discontinued Google Universal Analytics. We recommend using Sitefinity Insight and the Script manager (available in Sitefinity CMS 14.3 and later) to integrate another analytics solution.
In this area the system plots an indicator's values against time.
When you hover over a specific point in the chart, the system displays the exact value of the indicator in this specific day, week, or month.
In addition to the total number of visits, the Traffic source overview page displays the following indicators:
Part of those visitors could be visitors recruited by an offline campaign, such as TV commercial.
For each indicator the system displays an overview chart next to the indicator. You can view a detailed area chart by clicking the indicator's overview chart. The system displays the values in the main chart of the Traffic sources overview page.
For example, if you click the overview chart of Referring site visits indicator, the detailed chart of the indicator is displayed in the main chart of the Traffic sources overview page.
To display the detailed page of each indicator, you must click the indicator itself. The system opens the indicator's detailed report, which contains the detailed area or stacked area chart for this specific indicator for the chosen time interval together with some of the main indicators and additional details. The detailed reports for the traffic sources indicators can be opened by expanding the Traffic sources node in the navigation.
For more information, see Traffic sources detailed reports.
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