IMPORTANT: This version of Sitefinity CMS is out of support and the respective product documentation is no longer maintained and can be outdated. Use the version selector to view a supported product version.
Tables: sf_content_link_attrbutes, sf_taxa_attrbutes, sf_page_node_attrbutes, sf_page_data_attrbutes, sf_form_description_attrbutes
Status: Updated
Description: The value of the custom attribute for storing additional data
Name Type Allow nulls Description Affects Value VARCHAR (1000) NULL changed the size of a column(Value) the length of the attribute value that can be stored
Table: sf_cnt_location_filters
Description: The value of the filter for the content location
Name Type Allow nulls Description Affects Value VARCHAR (MAX) NULL changed the size of a column(Value) the length of the filter that can be stored
Name Type Allow nulls Description Affects Value VARCHAR (MAX) NULL Added index on column (parent_id) performance
Table: sf_meta_types
Description: added new columns
New columns:
Name Type Allow nulls Description Affects sf_meta_types[is_deleted] TINYINT NOT NULL Flag for marking if meta type should be deleted. If marked, the mapping for the meta type is dropped and the meta type itself is deleted when OA schema is upgraded. all modules that have mappings for artificial types
Table: sf_meta_fields
Description: added new column
Name Type Allow nulls Description Affects sf_meta_fields[is_deleted] TINYINT NOT NULL Flag for marking if meta field should be deleted. If marked, the mapping for the meta field is dropped and the meta field itself is deleted when OA schema is upgraded. all modules that have mappings for artificial fields
Table: sf_control_properties
Name Type Allow nulls Description Affects sf_control_properties[ordinal] REAL NOT NULL Column for storing the order in which control properties are loaded. It should be the same as the order in which they are saved. the order in which control properties are loaded
Table: OAConflicts
Changed columns:
Name Type Allow nulls Occured DATETIMEOFFSET (7) NOT NULL
Table: OAImportConfigurations
Name Type Allow nulls BaseIsUpdateRequired TINYINT NOT NULL SourceIsForwardMapped TINYINT NOT NULL SourceIsUpdateRequired TINYINT NOT NULL DestinationIsForwardMapped TINYINT NOT NULL DestinationIsUpdateRequired TINYINT NOT NULL
Table: OASyncImportSummary
Name Type Allow nulls ImportStart DATETIMEOFFSET (7) NOT NULL ImportEnd DATETIMEOFFSET (7) NULL
Table: OASyncListSummary
Table: OASyncLog
Name Type Allow nulls Executed DATETIMEOFFSET (7) NOT NULL
Table: f_delivery_entry
Description: removed column voa_version
Table: sf_dynamic_content
Description: added index
Changed column:
Name Description system_parent_id added index
Name Description parent_item_id added index
Table: sf_cs_threads
Description: This table contains data for comments parent threads and their relation with [sf_cs_groups] by parent_group_id.
Name Type Allow nulls Description Affects data_source NVARCHAR(255) NULL The default implementation uses the provider name of the item associated with the thread. For example the provider name of a news item. Comments module
Table: sf_cs_comments
Description: This table contains data for the comments and their relation with [sf_cs_threads] by parent_thread_id.
Name Type Allow nulls Description Affects last_modified DATETIME NULL Changed to allow NULL values Comments module
Name Type Allow nulls Description Affects last_modified_by UNIQUEIDENTIFIRE NULL This column stores the ID of the author that made the last modification of the comment. In the current implementation, it is populated only for authenticated Sitefinity CMS users. Comments module last_modified_by_name VARCHAR(255) NULL This column stores the Name of the author that made the last modification of the comment. In the current implementation, it is populated only for unauthenticated users Comments module last_modified_by_email VARCHAR(255) NULL This column stores the Email of the author that made the last modification of the comment. In the current implementation, it is populated only for unauthenticated users Comments module custom_data NVARCHAR(1024) NULL This custom data is an extensibility point that can be used to store custom data for the comment Comments module
Table: sf_ec_prices
Status: New
Description: created to hold product specific prices like tier prices
Name Type Allow nulls Description Affects val NUMERIC(10,20) NOT NULL Holds the value of this price row Ecommerce module quantity BIGINT NOT NULL Holds the quantity for which this price row is applicable Ecommerce module last_modified DATETIME NOT NULL When this price row has been updated for last time. Ecommerce module id UNIQUEIDENTIFIRE NOT NULL The primary key for the record Ecommerce module application_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL The provider for which this price is defined Ecommerce module parent_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIRE NOT NULL The parent object this price is defined for. Ecommerce module voa_class INT NOT NULL Telerik OpenAccess specific column Ecommerce module voa_version SMALLINT NOT NULL Telerik OpenAccess specific column Ecommerce module
Table: sf_ec_cart_detail
New or updated columns:
Name Type Allow nulls Description Affects vat_tax_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL Marked as deprecated and not used because of that made NULL Ecommerce module is_vat_taxable TINYINT NULL Marked as deprecated and not used because of that made NULL Ecommerce module is_us_canada_taxable TINYINT NULL Marked as deprecated and not used because of that made NULL Ecommerce module description NVARCHAR (MAX) Holds a description for this cart detail for example applied tier price name and etc Ecommerce module
Table: sf_ec_order_detail
Name Type Description Affects vat_tax_id UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NULL Marked asdeprecatedand not used because of that made NULL Ecommerce module is_vat_taxable TINYINT NULL Marked asdeprecatedand not used because of that made NULL Ecommerce module description NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL Holds a description for this cart detail for example applied tier price name and etc Ecommerce module
Table: sf_ec_tax_class
Status: Updated Description: added new column
Name Type Allow nulls Description Affects nme NVARCHAR (255) NOT NULL The name of the tax class Ecommerce module
Table: sf_ec_wishlist_detail
Name Type Allow nulls Description Affects description NVARCHAR (MAX) NULL Holds a description for this cart detail for example applied tier price name and etc Ecommerce module
Table: sf_forums
Description: added new column Status: Updated
Name Type Allow nulls Description Affects allowed_attachment_extensions VARCHAR (MAX) NULL A comma separated list of allowed attachment file extensions; when NULL inherits the global settings. Forums module
Table: SyncSchedulerExecution
Status: Removed
Table: SyncTaskLock
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