Google apps and services provide marketing professionals with a variety of data to be used in reports and to gather insights.
To ensure maximum flexibility in gathering data and ease of implementation, Sitefinity Insight enables you to integrate with services, such as YouTube. This way, you gather more knowledge of contacts' behavior through channels and devices.
If your company hosts video materials on a YouTube channel, you can embed this content in your Sitefinity CMS site, so that the site generates more traffic and, thus, has more contacts visiting it. Once you do this, the marketing department can analyze the impact of the embedded YouTube videos on the respective marketing goals.
The following article demonstrates how to collect data for contacts’ interactions with a YouTube video on your Sitefinity CMS site.
RECOMMENDATION: If you are using a custom tracking script or a 3rd-party customization library, they may interfere with the built-in tracking functionality. We recommend either disabling the built-in tracking code, or removing the custom script.
In this section, you learn how to embed YouTube video on your Sitefinity CMS page, so that it can be tracked in Sitefinity Insight. Perform the following:
IMPORTANT: Sitefinity CMS 14.0 and later versions automatically track embedded YouTube videos. You need to use the following procedure only if you host YouTube videos on previous versions of Sitefinity CMS.
You can use Sitefinity Insight JavaScript SDK to track the marketing performance of the YouTube videos, embedded on your web properties. Perform the following:
Sitefinity CMS reports the visitors’ actions performed on tracked videos to your Sitefinity Insight data center. You can use these actions as touchpoints and other Sitefinity Insight artifacts. When creating your Sitefinity Insight rules based on video-related interactions, keep in mind the following implementation details:
Start YouTube video
Watch 25% of YouTube video
Watch 50% of YouTube video
Watch 75% of YouTube video
Finish YouTube video
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