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Explore Your Connected Data with Visually Compelling UI

Build sophisticated, search-to-visualization data and analytics apps that tell complete stories.

fast track components hero illustration

Augment Analysis with AI

Build smart agents and conversational experiences into your intelligent applications.

Sharpen Organizational Intelligence

Accelerate time to insights and deliver data-driven applications in a fraction of the time. Progress® MarkLogic® FastTrack™ is an integrated React UI toolkit for Progress MarkLogic, designed to help developers and data users create scalable data exploration and analytics interfaces.

marklogic fast track architecture overview

Get a Bird’s Eye View of What’s Going On

Visualize connections in your data the way no other tool can. A comprehensive set of data visualization techniques works with all your data to build visually rich, qualitative narratives. No lost context. No complex tool integrations. No make-shift solutions.

marklogic fast track insights and analytics illustration

Find and Investigate What You Didn’t Know

Go deep or go wide into your data to gain a more meaningful understanding you can lean on to drive smarter decision-making and better outcomes. Search and explore complex relationships, diagnose causes and uncover connections and dependencies.

marklogic fast track intelligence illustration

Bring Intelligence Where It’s Needed

Enable rapid progress on new use cases or business-critical operations with custom-built applications. Enhance situational awareness to identify risks, opportunities and losses, monitor activity, track events, see historical trends and more.


Feature-Packed React UI Components

A powerful ensemble of customizable data visualization UI components lets developer teams present any data type in a unified UX.

  • Full-Text Search
    Implement a full-text, high-performance search in hours. Set facets and custom filters to allow users to refine results and navigate large data volumes.
  • NetworkGraph
    Effortlessly present semantic data (RDF triples) and complex information networks as intuitive, high-performance knowledge graph visualizations.
  • GeoMap
    Easily overlay geospatial data onto real-world, interactive maps to satisfy use cases like real-time tracking, alert setting and monitoring of critical information.
  • Timeline
    Add an interactive timeline dimension to help data users understand complex event sequences and how they unfold over time.

All Components

Getting Started with the FastTrack Components

Preview the components, explore their features and configuration options and grab our guides for building powerful search applications with FastTrack.

Built for React, Powered by MarkLogic Server

Rely on the MarkLogic robust data capabilities, advanced security features and enterprise-grade scalability, high availability and disaster recovery—proven in the most demanding environments.

two professionals looking at a tablet with an enterprise grade scalable data center in the background

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See What You Can Build With MarkLogic FastTrack