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Data Platform for the Public Sector

Overcome the limits of legacy technology and fragmented data with MarkLogic’s data platform for a modern government service, faster and at a fraction of the cost.

MarkLogic Public Sector

Public Programs Require Modern Digital Services

Whether your job is keeping the country safe or ensuring your community members get the services they need, you rely on data every day. Unfortunately, it’s often too hard or takes too long to get the information you need, because your data is stored in so many formats and systems.

Sharing and accessing information between government, agencies and citizens

Unique privacy and security requirements for handling sensitive or classified information

Dependent on legacy technology too brittle to adjust to changes

Better Data for Better Decision-Making

MarkLogic’s secure Data Hub platform helps public sector organizations around the world modernize the citizen experience with digital government and get the right information to the right people at the right time.

Modern Data Solutions for Today’s Mission Needs

Delivering Better Data at Speed and Scale

Integrate complex data and make critical information accessible in real time and in a secure, useable manner.

Better Data for Improved Service Delivery

Real-time 360-degree view to improve and measure program effectiveness, make eligibility determination faster and more efficient and increase digital engagement.

For Sensitive Data, Trust Is a Must

MarkLogic is installed and operational on government systems with demanding security policies, and our customers have received Authority to Operate (ATO) for information systems utilizing MarkLogic that involve almost all the major systems security standards.

Our Certified Security Requirements

Success Stories

Streamlining Logistics With Data Modernization Success Stories
Success Stories
Streamlining Logistics With Data Modernization
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U.S. Airforce Research Lab Creates Unified Data Platform with Progress MarkLogic, Speeding Research Efforts Success Stories
Success Stories
U.S. Airforce Research Lab Creates Unified Data Platform with Progress MarkLogic, Speeding Research Efforts
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The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Delivers Critical Information for the DoD Community with a MarkLogic Data Hub Success Stories
Success Stories
The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Delivers Critical Information for the DoD Community with a MarkLogic Data Hub
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Learning & Resources

Centering Data to Make It Usable and Actionable
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Ready for The Next Step?

See for yourself how MarkLogic can deliver solutions to your data challenges. If you have any questions or are ready for the next step, reach out and let’s set up some time to chat.