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Research and Projects

Research and Development of Advanced Analytics Tools (ITOA)

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The aim of this project is developing tools for network and application performance analysis based on network monitoring and complex event processing of security and performance events. It will employ methods of anomaly detection and behavioral analysis, which will be used to identify performance-related problems of applications in a monitored network. Detected events will be aggregated into higher-order events, which will in turn enable correlation with both performance and security events. By correlating events and finding connections between them, it will be possible to identify the cause of network problems, to visualize it to administrators and help them to resolve it.

Full name of the project: Research and Development of Advanced Analytics Tools for Security and Performance Analysis of Network Infrastructure, Applications and Services (ITOA)

The project TH02010185 is solved with the financial support of TACR.

January 2017 - December 2019


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