XQuery Product Architecture

DataDirect XQuery Product Architecture Overview

As a native XML query language, XQuery was designed to simplify data integration, local XML processing, and XML reporting. DataDirect XQuery is an implementation of XQuery that can query XML, relational data, SOAP messages, EDI, or a combination of data sources. It provides fast, reliable and scalable XQuery support for all major relational databases and runs on any Java platform.

DataDirect XQuery implements the XQuery for Java API (XQJ), and is easily embeddable into any Java program—it installs just like a JDBC driver, does not require any other product or application server, and has no server of its own. But DataDirect XQuery can also be used with any J2EE Application Server.

DataDirect XQuery is highly optimized for relational data, can handle very large XML inputs and outputs, and can be used with DataDirect's XML Converters to query non-XML formats such as EDI. DataDirect XQuery is recommended for applications dealing with XML, relational, and legacy formats, including data integration, XML-based data exchange, web services, XML-driven web sites, XML pipelines, and XML publishing. This diagram describes DataDirect XQuery's product architecture in detail. For more information about the specific features of the product architecture, please see our Key Features page.