Put Personalization to Work for You: A Six-Part Series

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by Megan Gouveia Posted on September 20, 2016

Part I: Market Outside of the Inbox

It seems that everyone is talking about personalization, but very few are doing anything about it. At Progress, we drive innovation by using our own tools to execute on personalization campaigns every day. In this six-part series, we will share with you some examples of how personalization can enhance your overall marketing campaigns and increase the engagement of your visitors.

In a digital world, it is amazing how many email marketing campaigns continue to be sent. Most marketing organizations have email nurture campaigns set up for key activities before and after the sale. However, with average open rates of 20% and click-through-rates of 2%, we are limiting our reach to these potential customers. If we start to market outside of the inbox, we can capitalize on this great opportunity. By integrating email nurture campaigns with web personalization, you can synchronize your message across channels and at various stages of the user journey, solving this challenge.

Let’s look at this in action:

Scenario 1—Before Personalization

John visits your website and downloads a whitepaper. The form submission adds him to an email nurture. Each week, you send John targeted emails offering new content aligned with his stage in the buyer’s journey. To his dismay, when John returns to your website he’ll see the same offer to download the whitepaper he has already has. He’s not being nurtured with the next best piece of content via email or on the website; he feels frustrated and, frankly, unloved. You are unable to nurture John effectively because the experience isn’t synchronized across email and web channels.

Scenario 2—After Personalization

John visits your website and downloads a whitepaper. The form submission adds him to an email nurture. Each week, you send John targeted emails offering new content aligned with his stage in the buyer’s journey. To his delight, when John returns to your website, he is presented with a new piece of content that aligns with the next step of his journey. As John interacts with the call to action at each step of his journey, either by email or the website, his activity is recorded and he moves to the next stage in the funnel, feeling loved, appreciated and more likely to make a purchase.

Sure, this sounds great, but is it hard to do? Not at all. Just integrate the email nurture campaign in your marketing automation system with web personalization using Progress Sitefinity CMS and Sitefinity Inisght. Sitefinity CMS helps you create and manage relevant content while Sitefinity Insight enables you to track, analyze and shape every stage of the customer journey.

When it comes to digital marketing, personalization is top of mind for many marketers. We recently conducted a survey of 700 marketing professionals to gauge where their organization stands when it comes to digital marketing maturity. DOWNLOAD the report, Digital Marketing Maturity: The Results Are In to see how your organization stacks up when it comes to digital marketing sophistication.


   Part II: Drive Users Through Funnel with Behavioral Personalization

Megan Gouveia
Megan Gouveia
Megan Gouveia is a Sr. Digital Marketing Manager at Progress Software. She has spent the past 10+ years managing large-scale website initiatives to improve the overall user experience and increase lead generation.  Recently, she has turned her focus to personalization and optimization, delivering data-driven custom experiences for each visitor to the website.
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