Real-time Visibility Will Help You Make Better Decisions

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by Pam Gazley Posted on February 10, 2011

Decision management expert James Taylor believes it’s really very simple… to succeed, you need to sense and respond to what’s going on in your business, in your systems, and all around you. He’s right. In my job, I need to be alerted immediately when the website is down. Now, we aren’t saving lives here at Progress Software (although I’d like to think that applications using our software and technology are) but our website is core to our business. If our site goes down, it will result in poor customer or visitor experiences which translates to lost revenue. What I need, IT are you listening?, is a notification service that alerts me the SECOND the site fails. If I had that, I could respond quicker and make sure that IT was working to get it back up. If I had that, I could also plan and make decisions on how I would respond to my frantic boss, the irritated visitor, and the customer support rep who just lost his/her web app right in the middle of a troubleshooting session or order process.

Anyone else know my pain?

Now, we all know that my wish is doable because it’s relatively simple, but for many businesses, their business events and processes are much more complex and the consequences of process failure are much more severe. I think it’s pretty clear that in order for us to make fast decisions, we need to begin by gaining visibility into our business processes. The Progress Responsive Process Management (RPM) suite is all about giving you the operational tools and business control panels you need to be responsive to changing conditions.

So, what's the next logical step for you? Learn a bit more about the first component to building the responsive enterprise that lets you make smarter decisions - achieving real-time visibility. Listen to James Taylor’s 3-minute visibility podcast – the 1st in a series of 4 podcasts. Not only will you hear how you can achieve real-time visibility but you’ll learn how the Progress® Responsive Process Management (RPM) suite can help.

If you are interested in reading more, register to download the companion white paper Building Responsive Enterprises: One Decision at a Time.

Episode1: Visibility

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Pam Gazley
View all posts from Pam Gazley on the Progress blog. Connect with us about all things application development and deployment, data integration and digital business.
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