BEA WebLogic JDBC Pooling in DataDirect XQuery

This section describes the guidelines for deploying DataDirect XQuery® on an application server running BEA WebLogic Platform 9.x or 10.x.

  • Install DataDirect XQuery® by copying the DataDirect XQuery® jar files to your WebLogic domain library directory. This directory is usually located at $DOMAIN_DIR/lib.
  • Restart your WebLogic application server.
  • The jars located in the domain library directory will be picked up and added dynamically to the end of the server classpath at server startup. The domain library directory is the preferred mechanism for adding application libraries to the server classpath.

  • Start your WebLogic Server Administration Console.
  • Create a JDBC DataSource resource.
    • Browse to Services < JDBC < Data Sources, and choose Create a New JDBC Data Source.
    • The JDBC Properties window appears.

    • Specify the following properties with the values shown here:
      • Data source name — "DDXQExample"
      • JNDI name — "jdbc/DDXQExample"
      • Database Type — "other"
    • Click Next.
    • The Transaction Options window appears.

    • choose to enable or disable the support for Global Transactions. If support is enabled, you must choose either “Emulate Two-Phase Commit” or “One-Phase Commit".
    • Click Next.
    • The Connection Properties window appears.

    • You use this window to specify standard connection properties. Properties on this window are not used, with the exception of the password.
    • Click Next.
    • The Create a New JDBC Data Source window refreshes. (This screen shot has been truncated for space considerations.)

    • In the Driver Class Name field, type “com.ddtek.xquery3.jdbc.XQueryDriver” and specify the proper JDBC URL. For example:


      Make sure that the URL specifies all connection attributes, with the exception of the password. For the Test Table Name field, specify any dummy table name.

    • Click Next.
    • You can now deploy this new JDBC Data Source on one or more of your servers.

    • Select the servers on which you wish to deploy the JDBC Data Source and click Finish.
    • Next, you need to alter the created JDBC Data Source. Choose to edit the “DDXQExample” data source, and subsequently select “Connection Pool” in the “Configuration” tab. (This screen shot has been truncated for space considerations.)
    • Browse to the advanced options and make sure “Remove Infected Connections Enabled” is unchecked. (This screen shot has been truncated for space considerations.)
    • Save all changes and your “DDXQExample” data source is ready for deployment.
  • Deploy the servlet by first locating Deployments on the main page of the administration console; next, choose Install and follow the instructions to deploy your DDXQServlet.ear.
  • Open your Web browser and point to http://myserver:7001/DDXQservlet/6.


See the Example: JDBC Connection Pooling Servlet for an example of implementing a JDBC connection pool in DataDirect XQuery®.

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