IBM Websphere JDBC Pooling in DataDirect Xquery

This section describes the guidelines for deploying DataDirect XQuery® on an application server running IBM WebSphere Application Server V6.1.

  • Start the WebSphere Administrative Console.
  • Install DataDirect XQuery® in WebSphere.
    • Browse to Resources < JDBC < JDBC Providers, and choose Create a New JDBC Provider.
    • The Create a New JDBC Provider window appears.

    • Specify the following properties with the values shown here:
      • Database type — "User-defined"
      • Implementation class name — "com.ddtek.xquery3.jdbc.XQueryConnectionPoolDataSource"
      • Name — "DataDirect XQuery JDBC Provider"
    • Click Next.
    • The Database Classpath Information window appears.

    • Specify all the DataDirect XQuery jar files; these files are in the \lib directory of your DataDirect XQuery installation.
    • Click Next.
    • Approve the information entered in the previous step.
    • Click Next to complete the JDBC provider definition.
    • Next, create a JDBC DataSource resource.
    • Browse to Resources < JDBC < Data Sources, and choose Create a New JDBC Data Source.
    • The Create a Data Source window appears.

    • Specify the following properties with the values shown here:
      • Data source name — "DDXQExample"
      • JNDI name — "jdbc/DDXQExample"
    • Click Next.
    • The Enter database specific properties for the data source window appears.

    • Select the Select an existing JDBC provider radio button, and choose "DataDirect XQuery JDBC Driver".
    • Click Next and confirm the information you have just entered.
    • Next, set the properties for the DDXQExample on the Data sources configuration window.
    • Specify "DDXQExample" in the Name field on the Configuration tab, and then choose Custom properties.
    • The Custom properties window appears.

    • Add the required data source properties.
  • Deploy the servlet by browsing to Applications < Install New Application, and choose to deploy DDXQServlet.ear .
  • Open your Web browser and point it to http://myserver:9080/DDXQServlet/.


See the Example: JDBC Connection Pooling Servlet for an example of implementing a JDBC connection pool in DataDirect XQuery®.

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