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MOVEit 最新功能

Progress MOVEit 可協助您極為輕鬆地保護敏感檔案並打造更安全的數位體驗。


波蘭文和巴西葡萄牙文 UI 本地化

MOVEit Transfer 2024.0 的使用者介面語言選擇工具現支援波蘭文和巴西葡萄牙文。

Screenshot of the UI in MOVEit Transfer localized in Polish language. The user interface language selector is open, and Polish is selected via the drop-down menu.

At-rest 系統組織資料加密金鑰輪替

系統管理員現在可以根據組織的安全和合規規定輪替系統組織加密金鑰。MOVEit Transfer 2024.0 的這項功能可控制每次更新金鑰/密碼之間的時間間隔,有助加強資料安全度,從而提供更多的金鑰管理和輪替選擇。

Screenshot of UI in MOVEit Transfer. The screen shows the Organization Profile which includes Encryption Key information such as Key ID, date created, age and a green check indicator for a primary key. Below this section is Key Rotation and there is a highlighted button labeled Begin Key Rotation Process.



Screenshot of the pop-up UI dialog box in MOVEit Transfer. The notification inside the dialog box indicates to users that Product Update Notifications are available. Included in this box is a link to learn more, a close button at the bottom and there is an x out option at the top right-hand corner of the box.


MOVEit Transfer 現在支援系統和組織管理員使用 MOVEit 內建儲存報告的這項新增功能檢查檔案在系統中的歷時記錄。MOVEit Transfer 2024.0 增加新的「檔案歷時排序」報告類型,支援管理員按照組織合規及資料管理政策規定,以上傳時間戳記為準據,按歷時順序找出可能需要複查或移除的檔案。

Screenshot of the Reports section within MOVEit Transfer. The screenshot displays an Edit Report sub header, then lists that admins can specify the name and report type through two different drop-down menus. The Report Type drop-down menu is open with File Aging by File selected.


這一版的 MOVEit Automation 採用增強版加密機制,可用於設定、作業以及大量匯出作業等流程。增強的部分包括使用伺服器金鑰或密碼加密匯出的設定檔和作業,以利加密敏感資料,同時也提供將匯出設定檔所含敏感資訊清除掉的選項。

A screenshot of the Export Configuration wizard within MOVEit Automation. The options are presented as three radio buttons, Sanitize, Server key and Passphrase. The Passphrase radio button is selected. There is an alert message showing that states, “Store your passphrase securely, it cannot be retrieved if lost or forgotten.” Below the alert message there is a selection box labeled with a CTA of ”OK” and to the right of the box is a cancel link.

MOVEit Gateway 支援使用 FIPS 140-2 進行 SFTP Proxy 設定

MOVEit Gateway 的檔案傳輸通訊協定是 SFTP,現在只要在「SFTP Proxy 設定」功能表中選擇「在 FIPS 模式中使用預設的 SFTP Proxy」,就能設定符合 FIPS 140-2 法遵規範的 SFTP。不論是否啟用 FIPS 模式,都能使用 SFTP Proxy。

A screenshot of the Settings module within the UI of MOVEit Gateway. The settings section titled SFTP Proxy Setting is highlighted with a border image to call attention to the three radio buttons, Use Default SFTP Proxy, Use Default SFTP Proxy in FIPS Mode and Use Legacy SFTP Proxy. In this screenshot the selection is displayed as Default SFTP Proxy and under the last radio button is a selection box labeled with a CTA of “Save.”

您可以在此處找到所有最新的 MOVEit 產品文檔。您可以在此處找到 MOVEit Transfer 2024.0 版本須知,並在此處找到 MOVEit Automation 2024.0 版本須知。有一些中文文檔,您可以通過單擊 [繁體中文/简体中文] 下的項目來查看它們。

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